About our Language Classes
The Speech and Language Provision
The Speech and Language Provision
Each half term parents will receive a class curriculum overview of the topics we will be covering and other important dates. Curriculum overviews will be sent home via Arbor.
Welcome to Frog class page, we welcome you to our class as part of the Language Provision here at Raglan Primary School.
We have a highly dedicated team of teaching assistants and speech and language therapists to support the learning, education, social and emotional welfare of the children in our care.
A member of Frog class staff will be in the Junior playground at the beginning and end of each day, should you wish to speak to us.
The best time to come and talk to us is after school, unless it is something urgent. Non urgent items should be relayed via your contact book in the first instance.
Our class email address is ulc@raglan.bromley.sch.uk – Please feel free to contact Miss Reid-Smith using this address, but as this is only checked on a Wednesday, please contact admin@raglan.bromley.sch.uk with anything important.
Each half term parents will receive a class curriculum newsletter of the topics we will be covering and other important dates. Curriculum newsletters will be sent home via Arbor.
Teaching and learning in Frogs class is differentiated accordingly, to support the range of needs the children in the class.
The topics set are carefully considered and chosen in order to promote the communication, understanding and speech of the children within the provision, as well as to encourage a love of learning.
During the course of the day, the children experience a range of activities to build on their curriculum knowledge and understanding, as well as having opportunities for them to develop their communication, speech and language and social skills. Independence skills are also developed, to help the children become more able to successfully help themselves when learning, as well as when in the class and whole school environment.
The learning is delivered in small, differentiated groups, with the support of visuals such as Makaton signing, cued articulation and Wigit symbols and photos, to support the children’s understanding.
Each child will have the opportunity to work with the teacher in both English and Maths, with the learning differentiated according to their needs and abilities.
PE lessons take place twice a week. On Fridays the whole provision have PE with Mrs O’Brien and on Wednesday afternoons, Frog class have a session delivered by our specialist coach, Coach Alahji.
This year, children should come into school wearing their PE kit on their PE days. This should include navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms, a Raglan PE shirt and plimsolls/trainers. Frogs PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
The children thoroughly enjoy our Outdoor Learning lessons and we will continue with Outdoor Learning this year, together with Sharks class. Please ensure that your child comes into school in their own clothes which are weather appropriate. For the wetter and colder months in the Autumn term, waterproof clothes are recommended. All children should bring a pair of wellies in, which will be kept in school.
This year, Frogs children have paired up with children from Sharks on a Friday and will be working with their partners on developing their life skills, including visiting the local shops, park, practising crossing the road and learning about road safety. We will also be meeting members of the community and visiting places such as the local bus station. We are passionate about providing such opportunities for our children in the provision, providing them with opportunities to communicate and to develop their communication and life skills, is essential in order for the children to gain confidence and awareness of their world around them.
We will also be planning trips linked to our exciting topics and we will keep you up to date on future trips.
Your child receives a home learning jigsaw half-termly. Please ensure your child picks and completes one task per week, which should be submitted in their green home learning book each Monday.
Please hear your child read at least 3 times per week and write in their reading records when you have done so. The support from parents to develop fluency with reading is vital.
Children who regularly read at home receive reading certificates, which they are very proud of.
Please spend 5 minutes daily on times tables. It cannot be underestimated how important it is to have a fluent recall and understanding of times tables. Please learn them in this order and refer to the school’s maths page for more detailed information. (x2, x10, x5, x3, x4, x6, x7, x8, x9, x11, x12)
We use the Zones of Regulation in Frog class. Each morning, the children place their flower in a coloured pot, to indicate how they are feeling at the beginning of the day. If we see any are in the blue or red zone, a member of staff will check in with them, to see how they can help. The children are able to move the flowers as they need throughout the day, to indicate how they feel. This helps them to think and recognise their differing feelings and emotions, whilst allowing staff to support them.
We also have a range of social skills activities that we use regularly in class, to help the children understand how to regulate their emotions, and how best to help others.
We have a Recognition Board in the classroom to support the children’s behaviour for learning. Children are recognised for following our Raglan Character Virtues of Kind, Ready, Safe, Resilient, Confident and Independent. Each week the school focuses on one virtue in particular, which the children work towards, in order to try and achieve the much coveted ‘Star of the Week’ award!
In addition, we have the ‘Wow, Wow, Wow!’ board, which children are placed on whenever they make a member of staff say, “WOW!” about something they have said or done. This can be from completing some amazing home learning or being an incredibly kind friend, to using some fantastic vocabulary during whole class discussions.
Celebration certificates are also awarded during our weekly celebration assembly on Mondays.
Please check your child’s book bag, emails and Arbor messages daily for any letters. If you have a letter to send into school, please tell your child it is there and that it needs to be given to their class teacher.
Your child also has a home-school contact book that needs to come into school every day.
If there are any messages in your child’s contact book from school, it will be left open on the page of the message and placed in your child’s book bag.
Please ensure that if you do have a message, you place the contact book open on the page in their book bag. This will make it easier when the teaching assistants are checking the children’s bag on a daily basis.
Use this link to see our School Newsletters.
All children as part of the Language Provision will receive intensive speech and language therapy, delivered by our fantastic Speech and Language therapists Mrs Wright or Mrs Reddy, as well as our speech and language therapy assistant, Miss Norris. Speech and Language therapy is delivered in a variety of ways, including 1:1, paired and group work, as well as whole class interventions.
Your child will receive termly targets for Speech and Language therapy, that are set and reviewed by our Speech and Language therapists. These targets are set in accordance to the needs of the child and assessments of the children will take place at the beginning of each term. These targets are shared with the staff working with your child and regular practise and daily activities for the children are incorporated into the school day, to work on those targets as well as develop their language skills.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any help or support.
Miss Reid-Smith