Natural Hero’s” by Anthony Whistlecraft
– street artist name ‘Orbit
In the KS1 playground, a brand new mural has been created that captures the importance of conservation in the English countryside through modern art. This vibrant piece, depicting both wildlife and flora not only revitalises the playground area itself but also pays a subtle tribute to the school’s famous former student, David Bowie.
The mural, which was created in 7 full days with spray paint, features a fantastic vivid fox, butterflies, blue tits with hidden eggs, and even a ladybird, all symbolising the beauty and importance of wildlife and their conservation. One of Raglan’s key priorities is to promote conservation and the mural supports this mission to help educate the children and visitors.
David Bowie, who attended Raglan Primary School in the 1950s, is subtly honoured in the mural. His song “Lazarus” mentions a bluebird, often seen as a symbol of hope, echoed by the blue tits in the artwork. The use of spray paint also reflects Bowie’s innovative spirit and dynamic personality.
The mural highlights the rich biodiversity of the UK’s natural landscapes and the threats they face from urbanisation, climate change, and pollution. By integrating urban street art with rural themes, it emphasises that nature conservation is a shared responsibility.