Twenty Seven Years Flying the Green Flag!
Raglan Primary School has again been awarded the Green Flag (with distinction!). This is some of what the Eco-Schools Committee had to say about our work at Raglan:
- We are doing an excellent job to reduce waste whilst helping identify areas for future action
- Our Action Plan goals are informed by both pupil voice and how achievable they would be in our school
- The projects outlined in our Action Plan, such as the swap shop, show how we involve the whole school and wider community to achieve maximum impact and raise awareness
- Our waste topic is a great example of how we have embedded learning across the curriculum that aligns and supports our Action Plan targets
- Our children are given an opportunity to learn about important environmental issues and the chance to work on them – a great dual approach
- Our concise Eco-Code reflects both the school ethos and the excellent progress we have made so far.