Learning is for Everyone @ Raglan!”

It is an honour and a privilege to be the Head Teacher of Raglan Primary School, and I am delighted to welcome you all. Our school is a magical place for the children to learn and for the staff who work here to be a part of.

The children make the staff team proud every day.  They are all at the heart of the thriving, diverse and inclusive school community that Raglan is.

Our school is about nurturing, challenging and developing the ‘whole child’ as individuals, so that they are ready and resilient to take on the next phases of their learning and life.

Children from Raglan feel a sense pride and belonging for our school community. They leave here as caring and compassionate young people.  They are immersed in lessons that are rich in knowledge, fun, engaging and enjoyable, which leave them with a genuine love of learning.

At our school, learning is for everyone!  Paramount to our school is that we all learn, every day.  Everyone has equal access to our curriculum and are encouraged to face every learning challenge with confidence.

The children continue to provide us with a different joyous experience each and every day. We continue to learn from them and we learn together with them. Our children are the driving forces in sustaining and improving the culture and environment we have here at Raglan.

Our staff team are committed to ensure that every child feels cared for, nurtured, challenged, engaged, and empowered so that they can be all that they can.  The staff team inspire, role-model and provide the environment where children will take the learning risks they need to make progress and build resilience.

Our school has a very rich history and has been serving families with a vibrant, high quality education for over 125 years.

We are a two form entry co-educational primary school, with a specialist provision for children with speech and language disorders.  Our school also has a nursery that belongs to the school.

We have a commitment to ensure that our whole school provision, and its curriculum offer, enables all children to reach their full potential.

Our school provides children with a computing infrastructure which includes a sound booth, green screen and Apple Mac computers that enables our children to have a greater cross-curricular learning experiences. We have a staging area and sound and lighting facilities for our concerts and productions and a purpose built gymnasium with a sprung floor. Our children enjoy confidently hosting whole school events and there is always a unique and special community atmosphere at these.

Our school has a thriving PTA that is called Friends of Raglan (FOR). They are integral to the success of our school, and work tirelessly organising events and fundraising. All money raised is invested back into the school further strengthening our children’s learning experiences. I would encourage all parents to get involved with the FOR and become part of a wonderful team of committed parents.

At Raglan we enjoy strong links with organisations of the wider community, working closely with Whitehall Rec, Chatterton Village, local secondary schools, faith groups, and senior citizens.

We pride ourselves on being an Eco-School and our environmental work and reputation is well known throughout the borough.  Our school offers an excellent range of musical tuition, which we actively encourage. Our curriculum does not finish at the end of day. There are an abundance of clubs that children have access to. These are run by staff, external providers and volunteers who give up their time generously. Our school has a strong sporting history and we are committed to every child’s development in sports.

We are an incredibly friendly school and welcome all parents and carers as partners, working together to promote high standards of learning and behaviour so that the children of Raglan go on to become the very best of local, national and global role-models and citizens.

Thank you for choosing our school. I look forward to working with you all and further strengthening our already thriving school and the children it serves.

Matt De Freitas,
Head Teacher