
Children are eligible for entry into the nursery between the ages of 3 and 4.  Please click here to see the Nursery Admissions Policy.

When allocating places in the nursery the following criteria is used:

  1. Existing children who would like to increase or change their session
  2. Siblings of children attending Raglan Nursery / Raglan School
  3. Remaining eldest children on the waiting list.

We operate a waiting list and places are allocated when they become available according to the same criteria.  Attendance at the nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school. Parents must apply for a place in Reception Class following the Bromley Admission Process.

View our Nursery Tour:

Prior to a child attending Raglan nursery, parents must:

  • Provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate.
  • Sign a copy of the Bromley Early Years Parent Contract – stating the hours your child attends which allows us to claim the government funded place.
  • Sign and return the admission forms.
  • Provide a photo of your child.