Routine of the school day
We have a ‘soft start’ in the morning. This means that children can enter the school 10 minutes before the official start time.
Children must be at school each morning by 8.55 a.m. for Lower school children and 8.50 a.m. for the Upper school. Electronic registration takes place in the morning and afternoon. A member of staff is on duty from 8.40 a.m. Children are the responsibility of parents/carers before school and should not be in the playground unsupervised before this time.
Children are in school for 32.5 hours per week.
The school day is as follows:
- 8.40-8.50am – Start of school day for the Infants
- 8.45-8.55am – Start of school day for the Juniors
- 9.05 – 10.25am – Lessons
- 10.30am – Assembly
- 10.45am – Playtime
- 11am – 12pm – Lessons
- 11.45pm – Lunch for Reception children
- 12.00pm – Lunch for KS1
- 12.10pm – Lower KS2 and Frogs
- 12.30pm Lunch for the Juniors
- 1.15pm – 3.15pm – Lessons
- 3.20pm – Infant Home Time
- 3.25pm – Juniors Home Time
Each child will need to bring their book bag to school every day and it will be sent home every night.
First school morning
On your child’s first day of school they will be feeling very excited and maybe a little anxious, as will you! The Reception staff will come in to the playground a littler earlier than normal to help get the children. It makes it much easier if you say goodbye to your child before they come into school. If your child is upset please be assured that a member of staff will support them and bring them in to school.
The children will be picked up from the playground; the children’s class teacher will dismiss the children one by one from the blue reception area gates. It is really helpful if, when your child is at the front of the line, you wave to us and then we will let your child go. Please be patient with us as we want to ensure we are sending the children home safely.