Raglan Primary School
Raglan Primary School lies in the centre of Bromley. It is a popular, oversubscribed school and enjoys a very good reputation in the Borough of Bromley.
It is very well led and managed by the headteacher with full support from the leadership team, staff and governors who share her vision for excellence and enjoyment. Pupils thrive both academically and personally in a welcoming, caring and very well-organised environment. Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, including their behaviour, is excellent. They really enjoy school because they feel exceptionally safe, are well cared for and receive a curriculum which is relevant to their daily lives. They are enabled to develop an excellent understanding of healthy lifestyles. Pupils in the specialist speech and language classes make outstanding progress, particularly in speaking, literacy and numeracy, because they are given excellent opportunities for developing their personal and academic abilities. Parents and carers are generally very pleased with the school and, as one parent commented, ‘My child has loved his time at Raglan; he has flourished as a person, socially, emotionally and academically.’
In addition to a strong curriculum and extra curricular activities, Raglan pupils exhibit excellent behaviour, they enjoy school as their extremely good attendance demonstrates.