About Mosaic and Our Offer

Welcome to Mosaic Schools Learning Trust (MSLT), a Trust established in September 2024, combining Connect Schools Academy Trust and Compass Academy Trust to form a new dynamic Trust of ten strongly performing schools across Bromley and Kent. MSLT is a trust that believes in fostering high standards within the context of our individual schools and their communities.

We believe in giving children the best opportunities and experiences alongside excellent core skills. We strive to ensure all children leave our schools with a passion and love for learning that will stay with them as they grow, and will support them in aiming high and achieving their dreams in the future.

MSLT is an organisation with a strong Trust vision and shared culture that is driven by its core values and key principles. These include a focus on excellence, assertive collaboration, the whole child, momentum and a strong desire to be an active part of the community, as well as a daily focus on our three core values of Respect, Resilience and Resourcefulness.

MSLT is a Trust that supports individuality in its schools, yet there is a clear common purpose that all leaders support all children across MSLT. As a Trust we recognise that strong collaboration and sharing of expertise and resources across the Trust will be key to on-going success.

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