Relationship Education and Health Education
Personal Development at Raglan
Children today are growing up in an increasingly complex and often confusing world, which can be a challenge to navigate. Whilst they have many positive and exciting opportunities ahead of them, those same opportunities may also pose challenges and risks. Being able to balance the many aspects of their lives is key to being able to cope in the years ahead. Children need to know how to be safe and healthy, as well as manage their academic studies, personal and social lives, both on and off-line, in a positive way. As of September 2020, Relationships Education became a statutory subject in all primary schools. At Raglan, we are committed to ensuring all our children develop an understanding of all areas of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Education), British and Raglan Values and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), with mental health and well-being at the heart of all we teach. Our aims are, that by the end of Key Stage 2, children at Raglan will:
- know about different types of relationships and recognise what healthy relationships are
- know that loving relationships can be found in a variety of ways, all of which are equally important
- know what is needed to be a good friend
- have respect for themselves and others
- know and understand what a healthy lifestyle requires, focusing on both physical and mental health and well-being
- know that families come in a range of shapes and sizes, all of which are equally important
- know how to recognise dangerous situations and how to help keep themselves safe, both off and online
- know how to seek help for a variety of reasons
- know how bodies change during puberty
- know how babies are made
- know how to care for themselves and others
- know how to be independent and responsible members of the school, local and global communities
- understand and value democracy, tolerance, diversity and equality
- have the self-confidence to make informed choices regarding personal and social issues
PSHE and SRE underpin all that we do at Raglan and are embedded as part of our broad and balanced curriculum. Subject specific lessons are taught weekly, from nursery to year 6 and follow the SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) scheme of learning. The scheme has been developed by teachers for Coram Life Education and is centred on a values-based and growth mind-set approach. The lesson plans are organised around the PSHE Association’s Programmes of Study Learning Opportunities, which include three core themes of Health and Wellbeing; Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These themes have been broken down into six main areas for termly coverage and are ordered as follows:
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
- Keeping Myself Safe
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Being my Best
- Growing and Changing
Years 4, 5 and 6 will also have interactive workshops with highly trained teachers from Coram Life Bus. In addition, we select additional resources from the FPA’s (Family Planning Association) fully interactive scheme, ‘Growing up with Yasmine and Tom’, which enhance the teaching of relationships education in the context of PSHE. Finally, we have several focus weeks per year, where the children have a variety of lessons, experiences and activities to further promote their understanding of key topics such as Online Safety, bullying and diversity. At Raglan, we strive to ensure our children leave with developing skills to navigate in increasingly complex and confusing world. Our hope is for them to have tolerance and compassion towards others, whilst being confident, happy and healthy individuals. Fiona Reid-Smith – Subject Lead Further Information: DFE – Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school: a guide for parents) (see PDF below) SCARF – An Introduction for Parents (see PDF below) FPA – Growing up with Yasmine and Tom – Module lesson list for parents (see PDF below) Helping Your Child Understand Changes at Puberty –