Art Curriculum Statement of Intent
Art – Big Ideas/Concepts
Art is for everyone – we can all be creative producers. Art is personal, mindful and achievable for all. Our aim is that all teachers value Art as an equal foundation subject to other subjects (Geography, History). We want our teachers to be confident who create opportunities for creativity without inhibition (this was evident in a recent learning walk….. theme…..) rather than measure progress by an end product. See children as consumers and producers – reflects them and their surroundings (demographic), opens up new world and challenges understanding. Diversity of our community reflected in the Artists and subjects we study such as Arron Douglas (Year 3), Gakonga (Year 4), Hokisai, Nixiwaka Yawanawa.
How do we do this?
Curriculum Structure: Developed a new ambitious Art curriculum with collaboration with Art leads in the CSAT. This has been put in place this year and is being embedded.
Our curriculum drivers initiative, communication, environment (use recycled cartridge paper, used magazines and wallpaper books to create book in Art Café), community and diversity are reflected in our curriculum.
Threshold concepts and knowledge and skills for each concept were agreed at Trust level.
Drawing, painting, printing, sculpture, textiles and digital media.
Some subjects are taught across year groups within a phase eg. Year 3 and Year 4 – Drawing, painting, printing taught in both years with more progressive knowledge and skills being taught over the 2 years. Year 3 to sculpture and Year 4 Textiles (cross curriculum with DT) and Digital Media.
Children are inspired by a variety of diverse artist such as above and posters of diverse artist are on displays in classrooms and throughout the school.
- Why? Strands/concepts agreed at trust level. Decided to split the common concepts over the 2 years within a phase (drawing and painting) skills and knowledge over the 2 years.
- Less common subjects such as sculpture, digital media are delivered discreetly as a unit as they are more specific. Note some textiles K & S covered in DT.
Assessment and Progression – Embedding our curriculum this year. Art work in sketch books (encourage informal use outside lessons too) and big folders and assessment slips completed at the end of each unit (WWW, EBIF, reflection/review which sets future targets).
Knowledge and skills for each concept are identified in the progression documents and these are covered within each half termly unit. Children’s individual assessments are considered to identify any specific needs during the teaching of the unit eg – extra adult support, simpler vocab and instruction, and simpler starting points (eg choice of light and dark pencil to begin with). Needs of SEN children reviewed as the unit progresses.
Beginning of new unit….. Children revisit last year’s learning and vocabulary and think about what they achieved and consider their review to consider their targets for this year. Possibly photos on system next year (considering this) one for each level of achievement in each year group to create a snapshot of learning for each unit. Display vocab and artists to be studied in class. Posters in Hall to increase children’s exposure to Artist and increase cultural capital.
Recent drawing assessment for end of year group phases agreed at CSAT level for moderation purposes. Held this last week and will be collating this and reviewing with other Art leaders in CSAT.
CPD/ Staying up to date
CPD sessions held lead by Art leads held regularly. Recent one on drawing detail and pattern.
We attend the Art and Design forums regularly and cascade to teachers.
Access Art ongoing subscription – regular updates and CPD sessions.
Members of NSEAD – National Society of Excellence for Art and Design.
Support planning and implementation/embedding.
Recently had an Artist workshop for Year 3 and we plan to do an assembly on it for all staff and teachers in the New Year and cascade techniques etc to teachers.
Adding value
Arts cafes
Displays, exhibitions, community events (window wanderland)
Just beginning our ArtsMark Journey – SOC submitted 14 July 2022 – sets out how we will embed our curriculum etc