Golden Eagle Class and Panther Class

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils

As you are aware, Year 6 is a very busy time for the children. We have plenty of learning to do in preparation for SATs, as well as our residential visit to the Isle of Wight. We will also be doing ‘transition’ work to prepare the children for secondary education and their new school.

As there are lots of things to remember, we have outlined some key topics below:

Class Curriculum Letters

Each half term, parents will receive a class curriculum overview of the topics we will be covering and other important dates.  Curriculum overviews will be sent home via email; alternatively, please click here for the Class Curriculum Overview page on the website.

Home Learning

Reading – In Year 6 we still expect daily reading for at least 15 minutes each day. As many children will be quite accomplished readers we would suggest that you also discuss texts with your child and note any new words in their reading record books.

Spellings – Spelling patterns and rules will be covered as part of the English curriculum.  To support this as part of home learning, children should be learning, reviewing and practising the words from the Year 3/Year 4 and Year 5/Year 6 spelling list in preparation for SATs.  A copy of these can be found in their Home Learning books.

Home Learning – Children will record home learning tasks and deadlines in their home learning books. Some home learning may be set as  internet research as an extension of topics and investigations being covered in class.  In the Spring and Summer half terms, short revision tasks will be set three times per week instead of topic-based tasks.

Times tables – Children in Year 6 are expected to know their times tables and related division facts. If this is something your child finds difficult, you should continue to revise these at home. Useful strategies include: chanting in order, writing them out in 2 minutes, responding quickly to questions out of order.

Projects – Children will be expected to produce a project in the Summer Term based around our residential visit to the Isle of Wight (or an alternative topic if they do not participate).  They will also prepare and present a Family Assembly about the trip.

Home learning will normally be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday, unless the children are told otherwise. Children who consistently fail to hand in their home learning at the appropriate time will need to stay in during break time until the work is completed.


It is vitally important that your child is in school by 8.50am every day, as registration and learning start promptly at 8.55am.  Early morning work is ready for the children from 8.35am.


Do you have any of the following you could donate to the classes?



It would be really helpful if your child could bring the following equipment:

One pencil case containing the following: a writing pen, which has blue ink and is not a biro (rollerballs, foundation pens with spare cartridges or Berol handwriting pens are preferred), two writing pencils, a 30cm ruler, a glue-stick, a pencil sharpener (preferably one that collects the shavings), a rubber, protractor, a selection of coloured pencils and a dry Whiteboard pen (non permanent).  Please make sure these are replenished every half term. Pencil cases should not be too large; they need to be slim enough to fit inside the children’s under-desk trays.


Please refer to the Behaviour and Relationship Policy under the Our School, School Policies section of the website.


Please note: ALL uniform should be clearly labelled.

Girls: Blue shirt, school tie with logo, sweatshirt with a V-neck or cardigan with school logo, navy skirt or pinafore dress, smart, plain navy trousers – no leggings.  Long hair needs to be tied back (see below).

White socks or navy tights, blue/white check dress (Summer). Plain black, brown or navy leather shoes.

Boys: Blue shirt, school tie with logo, sweatshirt with a V-neck with school logo, grey trousers, long or short (Navy shorts are not acceptable – only short, grey trousers), grey socks. Plain black, brown or navy leather shoes. Long hair needs to be tied back (see below).

Physical Education

It is important for your child to have their PE kit in school at all times.  Year 6 will have PE with a coach every Thursday morning throughout the year.  In addition, they will have a second session which will change day on a term to term basis.


In English we will be looking at all genres of writing in both narrative and non-narrative form. As well as this, we will continue to develop the children’s reading and comprehension skills.  Additional texts will be studied in Class Reading and Guided Reading sessions to reinforce comprehension and analysis skills.

In Maths we will be building on all learning covered in the last year, including the four operations, problem solving, data handling, measure, shape and space as well as continuing to develp reasoning and numeracy skills.

Preparation for SATs in English, Maths and Class Reading will be ongoing up until the Summer Term.


In Year 6 we all look forward to the Isle of Wight, which takes place during the summer term and going on educational visits linked to the foundation and other curriculum areas covered.

Walking Home

In preparation for secondary school, some of the children will be walking home independently. The office will require parents to have filled in the consent form and returned it to the office stating that you give consent for your child to walk home at the end of the school day.  Parents will also need to ensure that any clubs that your child attends is also passed this message.

General Reminders

Please report your child’s absence on the first day of absence. Dinner money should be paid in advance (no cans, bottles, flasks or fizzy drinks please).

No nail varnish should be worn in school; only plain stud earrings should be worn; and plain hair accessories to tie back long hair should be blue, our school colour.

ipods or electronic equipment should not be brought into school. No attention-seeking hairstyles are permitted and trainers are not part of school uniform for either boys or girls (even if they are plain black, trainers are not considered to be part of the school uniform for either boys or girls. Thank you for your cooperation.

Mobile phones are allowed upon completion of a parental permission form, however the school cannot take responsibility for the safety and security of these personal belongings.

We are looking forward to working with you and your children this year. If you have any concerns, then please speak to either one of us at the beginning or end of the school day. If you have an issue that will require some time to discuss, then please send us a note or send an email to the office who will forward it to the relevant class teacher.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Farmer and Mr Sykes