Class Curriculum Overviews
Each half term parents will receive a class curriculum overview of the topics we will be covering and other important dates. Curriculum overviews will be sent home via email, alternatively please click here for the Class Curriculum Overview page on the website.
Home Learning
Home learning books will be set on Seesaw and is expected to be completed by the following Tuesday unless otherwise indicated. One piece of English, Maths or Foundation Learning will be set as well as a spelling activity.
We would like children to read and discuss their book with an adult three times a week. We suggest you to encourage children to read a variety of genres alongside their school text.
Your child should regularly go through times tables and related division facts in order to consolidate their knowledge for maths learning. Useful strategies include: chanting in order, writing them our in a minute, responding quickly to questions out of order, singing to super movers or playing hit the button – see the curriculum newsletter for website addresses.
Our classroom will be open for children from 8.40am. It is vitally important that your child is in school at 8.50am everyday, as registration and learning will start at 9am.
Children are welcome to bring in a small named pencil case that will fit in their tray. If they are too big or cause a problem in the classroom, children will be asked to take them home again or leave them in their rucksack. We will be using a pen to write with. The school does provide pens but it would be lovely if children brought their own. They may have a fountain pen with dark blue ink cartridges, roller ball pen but not any other style of pen or biro.
Please see the Behaviour and Relationships Policy on the website.
Please refer to the school uniform list available in the office or on the website. Please ensure ALL items are clearly labelled.
General reminders:
No nail varnish should be worn in school, plain stud earrings only should be worn, hair accessories should be in school colours. If your child has long hair, please provide them with a hairband. Mobile phones are only permitted in Year 6.
Children with pierced ears will be required to tape or remove earrings for PE.
A copy of the curriculum to be taught in the Autumn term is available on the website under curriculum. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to either of us after school.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Duller and Mrs Johnson