Dolphin Class and Wolves Class
Dear Parents/Carers and children in Year 4,
Welcome to Year 4! We hope that you are looking forward to this year. We just thought that we would write to give you a bit of information about Year 4. Here we go…
Dear Parents/Carers and children in Year 4,
Welcome to Year 4! We hope that you are looking forward to this year. We just thought that we would write to give you a bit of information about Year 4. Here we go…
Each half term parents will receive a class curriculum overview of the topics we will be covering and other important dates. Curriculum overviews will be sent home via email, alternatively, please click here for the Class Curriculum Overview page on the website.
Children may bring pencil cases into school. They must be small enough so they will fit into their trays. Suggested equipment:
As you know reading is a key part of learning at Raglan. The children need to read at least 3 times a week to someone at home and this should be logged in their reading record. They should bring their reading record in every day so that it can be checked and available for when the children do guided reading.
We would also like children to read and discuss their text with an adult at least 3 times a week. We would appreciate if you could ask them questions about what they are reading:
This year the children will take a formalised times table test. Please can you support your child and help them learn their tables at speed of order. Many children need further support to tell the time using analogue time, including using the 24-hour clock. Maths concepts can be consolidated by encouraging children to regularly go on Mathletics.
Home learning is vital. This year, each child will be given a Home Learning book containing a home learning jigsaw. The home learning jigsaw will include Maths, English and Foundation activities and tasks. In addition to this, weekly spelling and grammar activities will be sent home on a Friday and will be due back no later than the following Wednesday, along with their chosen home learning task.
On days that P.E. is timetabled, the children should arrive at school dressed in their Raglan P.E. uniform. The kit should include blue shorts, school t-shirt and plimsoles. All kit should be named, this will be checked in the first week. Earring should not be worn on P.E. Days. If earrings cannot be taken out, please provide tape so they can be covered. Long hair must be tied up.
The Year 4 team will advise you regarding any educational trips that may take place during the year.
As you know life at school is busy! We have a lot of fantastic activities that we endeavour to carry out in Year 4 so as a result we do ask for parental support at times. We will send out a letter for volunteering times at the start of the year.
Thanks for reading this and for your continued support. If you have any queries please feel free to ask any of us.
Please can all items of uniform including plimsolls be named as this will avoid them being put into lost property.
Year 4 Class Teachers
Mr Boorman and Mr Holland