Class Curriculum Letters
Each half term parents will receive a class curriculum overview of the topics we will be covering and other important dates. Curriculum letters will be sent home via email, alternatively please click here for the Class Curriculum Overview page on the website.
Resources are provided for your child, so they do not need to bring in a pencil case. They will need a blue Raglan rucksack or book bag to carry their home learning and reading books between school and home.
Home Learning Books
This year each child will be given a Home learning Book containing a home learning jigsaw. The home learning jigsaw will include all activities and tasks subjects being taught during that term. In addition to this, spelling activities and games will be sent home which will support the children’s learning in phonics, spelling rules and grammar. The puzzle will also be accessible on SeeSaw. Children can upload Home Learning onto Seesaw and use their book as necessary.
Spelling will be sent home on a Friday and will be due back no later than the following Wednesday along with their chosen home learning task. Mathletics will also be set every Friday for completion the following week.
Please encourage your children to take pride in their presentation of their learning.
Reading is a key focus for us in Year 3. It underpins everything that the children do in school, and will continue to do so, in their lives after school! For a child to succeed in writing, they have to have access to a wide variety of books which can provide a new and rich vocabulary. If your child reads extensively, it shows very clearly in the writing that they produce.
We would recommend the children read at least 3 times a week. Please check that your child can decipher unfamiliar words and their meanings, we would like you to question your child about what they have read to check their inference and deduction skills (in other words what the text is actually suggesting rather than stating). For example, the following extract is from a novel in the Year 3/4 reading scheme and is by the author Anthony Horowitz:
It had stopped raining. Tim and I walked along the South Bank, leaving the London Eye behind us. There were workmen ahead of us, shovelling a rich, black, ooze onto the surface of the road. On the pavement, a tramp stood with an upturned hat, playing some sort of plinky-plonk music on a strange instrument.
Some questions after reading this passage could be:
- What is the “rich black ooze” that the author mentions?
- Why do you think that the tramps hat is upturned?
Please write a comment in your child’s reading record every time you hear them read and let us know how they got on. Your child will have a guided group reading session once a week with their class teacher. In addition, we would welcome any parent helpers who can come in to hear individual readers.
Supporting Maths
Please support your child with the following areas of Maths, please remember it is important for children to experience Maths in a real life context i.e. going to the shop and paying for an item or reading bus timetables.
- Number bonds to 10/20
- Recalling the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8’s timetables
- Telling the time (o’clock, half past, quarter to/past and to the nearest 5 minutes.
- Continuing and identifying number sequences and patterns
- Properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- Counting forward and backwards in 50’s
- Knowing the value of coins.
P.E. Kits
Children should come into school wearing PE Kits on the days they have PE. The kit should include blue shorts, a school t-shirt, dark blue tracksuit bottoms (if needed), socks and a pair of plimsolls that fit. All should be named clearly, with a permanent laundry marker or sewn in.
Attendance in school is very important. If your child misses a day it often has a knock on effect to future lessons that build on what they have been taught. Please avoid taking holidays with your children during term time. Please do not keep your child home from school for minor illnesses. If they have a cold, cough or sniffle, they should be still sent to school having had some cold relief medication before they arrive. We are sensitive to those children who are feeling under the weather and we do look after them. Please give your child the best opportunity to achieve.
Please refer to the Behaviour and Relationships Policy under the Our School, School Policies section of the website. We will continue to use the behaviour system introduced in Year 2.
Correct school uniform should be worn at all times and all items should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and class. Spot uniform checks do take place!!
Nail varnish should not be worn in school. Long hair (both boys and girls) should be tied back with appropriate blue accessories matching our school uniform. Plain stud earrings and a watch may be worn, but no other jewellery. Children will be required to remove jewellery for P.E. If earrings cannot be removed, they should be covered in tape for the lesson so please teach your child to do this for themselves.
Help Needed
As you are probably aware, school life is busy! We have a lot of great activities we would like to carry out with Year 3, as a result we will to ask for your support from time to time. Any help that you can offer will be much appreciated, whether it be a once in a while for an activity/trip or a regular weekly time that you can help with reading. Due to new government guidelines, if you do wish to be a parent helper, certain procedures have to be followed. Please see your class teacher or a member of the office if you are able to help in anyway and we will explain what needs to be done.
The time that you give us is so valuable to our teaching and the children’s learning.
Mrs Rammohan and Mrs McLaughlin and Ms Ramsdale
Year 3 Teachers