Puffin Class and Penguin Class

Dear Parents, Carers & Pupils,

Welcome to Year 2 at Raglan Primary School!

Class Curriculum Overviews

Each half term parents will receive a class curriculum overview of the topics we will be covering and other important dates.  Curriculum overviews will be sent home via email, alternatively please click here for the Class Curriculum Overview page on the website.

Books that need changing

Children can change their book everyday as long as it has been signed in their reading records by an adult.  Children to show an adult in their classroom their reading record before selecting a new book on their own.

Home Learning

Reading: Please read to an adult at least 3 times per week. Please discuss the texts that you read.

Spellings:  Spelling home learning will be sent home weekly and will be linked closely with phonics learned during the week.  Home learning is set on seesaw every Friday and should be uploaded by the following Wednesday.

Times tables:  Please practice times tables regularly.  Please start with 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.

A termly home learning jigsaw will be sent home closely lined to the topics covered in class.  Children are to complete a piece each week and it should be uploaded by Wednesday.


Children are to attend school wearing their PE kit on their PE days.  The timetable will be shared with parents the first week in the Autumn term. One session is taken by specialist PE coaches.  Please also send your child into school with a named water bottle every day.

Educational Visits

We are hoping to go on lots of exciting educational visits during the year and would greatly appreciate help to make sure these can take place.


We have a ‘soft start’ in the morning.  This means that children can enter the school 10 minutes before the official start time.

Children must be at school each morning by 8.55 a.m. for KS1 children. Children are the responsibility of parents/carers before school and should not be in the playground unsupervised before this time.


Please refer to the Behaviour and Relationships policy on the website.  Please ask your child about these!


Please ensure ALL uniform is clearly labelled.

Girls’: Blue shirt, school tie, sweatshirt with a v-neck or cardigan with school logo, navy skirt or pinafore dress, smart, plain navy trousers – no leggings

White socks or navy tights, blue/white check dresses (summer). Plain black, brown or navy leather shoes.

Boys’: Blue shirt, school tie, sweatshirt with a v-neck with school logo, grey trousers, long or short (Navy shorts are not acceptable – only short, grey trousers), grey socks. Plain black, brown or navy leather shoes.

Pencil Cases/Toys/Keyrings

We kindly ask that no children bring a pencil case into school as all resources will be provided.  All toys should be left at home.  Children are allowed to have one keyring on their book-bag.

We hope this year is fantastic and we have lots of fun!  If you have any questions then please come and find us.

 Mr Cosgrave, Mrs Hardstone and Miss Proctor