Class Curriculum Letters
Each half term parents will receive a class curriculum overview of the topics we will be covering and other important dates. Curriculum overviews will be sent home via email, alternatively please click here for the Class Curriculum Overview page on the website.
We have lots of exciting learning planned for the year! We will be exploring different topics and linking these to the books we will explore in English. In September, we will begin our first History topic, ‘How have things changed since our Grandparents were young?’ and our Art topic ‘colour chaos!’
We will have PE lessons twice a week. On PE days, your child can come into school in PE kit. This can include navy shorts, a Raglan PE shirt and trainers. Please make sure all of your child’s clothes are labelled, even their tie.
Click here to see the Uniform Policy
Trips and Experiences
We are planning exciting trips linked to our topics, which will include visiting our local area. We will keep you up to date on future trips.
We will also have the opportunity to take part in exciting workshops and activities.
Home Learning
- Try to hear your child read at least 3 times per week and record this in their reading record. Please also and ask them questions to support their understanding. For example, How do you think… feeling?
- Mathletics will be set every half term. Some activities will be unavailable as we have not covered all topics yet.
- You will find a Home Learning jigsaw on Purple Mash which will be updated each half term. These activities will support your child’s learning across the curriculum. Each week, select one activity to complete and upload to Purple Mash.
- Weekly Phonics homework will be set on Purple Mash according to which Phonics group your child is in. Please complete and send back via Purple Mash.
We will be using recognition boards in the classroom to support behaviour for learning. If your child’s name is put on the recognition board, they will get a sticker at the end of the day. We will also award team points! If an issue does arise then we will speak to you as soon as possible so that we can work together.
Parent Helpers
We would love to have helpers on board, especially with reading. If you would like to volunteer then let us know via the letter we will send out early in the Autumn term.
Please check your child’s book bag, emails and Arbor messages regularly for any letters. If you send a letter into school in your child’s book bag, please could you tell your child it is there and needs to be given to the teacher. Thank you.
Outdoor Learning
We will be continuing with outdoor learning in Year 1. Please ensure your child comes to school in their own clothes on the appropriate day. The days will be confirmed in the first week of term.
Yours sincerely
Miss Lowe and Miss Goulds