Monkey Class and Lion Class 

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils,

Welcome to your first year at Raglan school.  Our Foundation Stage team consists of:

  • Class Teachers: Miss Ezinwa/Miss Donnelly
  • Teaching Assistants:  Ms Nye/Ms Nash
  • Learning Support Assistants: Miss Dray/Miss Gadd

We have create some information to share with your child to help them to prepare to start Reception.  Please see below:

Please see below useful information on how you can support your child at home with Phonics and Early Reading –

Here are some games and ideas you can play with your child at home:

Class Curriculum Letters

Each half term parents will receive a class curriculum overview of the topics we will be covering and other important dates.  Curriculum overviews will be sent via email, alternatively please click here for the Class Curriculum Overview page on the website.


We will be learning through different topics. Through these themes we will cover the seven areas of learning in the Foundation Stage. These are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development


Children in Reception come to school in their PE kits on their allocated days.  Reception PE kit consists of navy/black leggings, navy polo shirt, navy/black joggers, black trainers.


Children should wear appropriate clothing, please refer to the handbook for acceptable uniform.  Please remember the school uniform includes matching hair accessories, if your child has pierced ears they must only wear plain gold stud earrings, and that no nail varnish is allowed. Please ensure all uniform including shoes are named.  All shoes and trainers in Reception need to be velcro.  Children should avoid wearing laces unless they can tie their own laces.

School Day

We operate a ‘soft start’ in the morning.  Children may come into reception from 8.40am.  A member of staff will be at the gate to meet them.  The gate will close at 8.55am -the official start of the school day.  Any messages should be passed (ideally in note form) or to a member of the EYFS Team.  Parents to collect children at 15:20 at the end of the school day.

At the end of the day children will be dismissed one by one from within our outdoor learning area.  We ask that you remain patient as this is for your child’s safety.  If you wish to talk to us please wait until all children have been dismissed and we will be able to give you our full attention.

If you need to speak to us about anything else please catch us at the end of the school day rather than in the morning as the register needs to be taken promptly. Our door is always open and we welcome any of your comments.  We are confident that your child will settle in well and are looking forward to a fun and fulfilling year.

Thank you for your support

Miss Ezinwa & Miss Donnelly
Foundation Stage Teachers