The Governing Body

What is our Role?

The Governing Body at Raglan has three key responsibilities:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To hold the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent

Please use this link to see the write-up of our Governor visit in November 2023.

What do we do?

  • Agree the aims, objectives and values of the school
  • Agree, monitor and evaluate policies, targets and priorities relating to the aims, purposes and practices of the school
  • Influence and approve the School Development (Improvement) Plan
  • Approve and monitor the allocation and expenditure of the school budget
  • Ensure the National Curriculum is being followed and that there is sufficient staff to teach it
  • Monitor and review the pupils’ progress, ensuring individual pupils’ needs are met, including any additional needs
  • Give parents and other interested local people information about the school
  • Establish positive links with the local business and wider communities

How do we do it?

As well as the Full Governing Body meeting at least once per term, Governors meet in formal committees and more informal working groups to drive improvement and ensure stability and compliance.  The Achievement and Curriculum Committee and the Finance and Compliance Committee meet regularly every half term, while working groups are assembled to address specific issues or areas of requirement. Governors can regularly be found in the classroom with individual Governors linked to specific years groups or roles within the school. Governors also engage with the wider school community by attending many of the events that take place during the course of the year.

Community Local Governors

Elected Parent Governors

Staff Governors



Headteacher:  1

Elected by the staff body: 2

Elected parents of pupils attending the school: 2

Community governors: 5

Chair of the Raglan Primary Local Governing Body:      James Faiers

Governor Name Category of Governor Appointed by Start/End Term of Office LGB attendance 2022/23


Tosin Bowen-Wright Community GB 7/10/2023 – 6/10/2027 6 out of a possible 6 SEND/PP Link
Safeguarding and
Online Safety incl. Web Filtering
Jake Butterworth Community GB 4/2/2024 – 3/2/2028 5 out of a possible 6 EDI Governor
Molly Goulds Staff Staff 14/7/22 – 13/7/2026 6 out of a possible 6
James Faiers Community GB 17/11/2020 – 16/11/2024 6 out of a possible 6 Chair of Governors
Curriculum Link
Tolu Fasanya Community GB 30/1/2021 – 29/1/2025 3 out of a possible 6 Finance Link Governor
Scott George Community GB 29/9/2021 – 28/9/2025 4 out of a possible 6 Trust Link Governor
Matt De Freitas Headteacher N/A 31/8/2022 6 of a possible 6
Johanna Reed Parent Parents 23/6/22 – 22/6/26 6 of a possible 6 EYFS/SEN Link
Martin Hunter Staff Staff 1/10/2020 – 30/9/2024 5 out of a possible 6
Kirby Elliott-Wilson Parent Parents 23/1/2024 – 22/1/2028 3 out of a possible 4

Governors who have left the LGB but served in the last twelve months

Governor Name Category of Governor Appointed by Start of Term of Office Resigned LGB attendance
Helena Smith Community GB 26/2/2019 25/2/2023 6 out of a possible 6
Joyce Parker-Sarioglu Community GB 15/11/2020 6/11/2023 2 out of a possible 6


Raglan Governors Register of Interests Declarations 2022/2023 – last updated January 2024

Personnel Involved in Governance

Name Position Name of Business or Organisation Nature of Business Nature of Interest Immediate / close family declarations Date declaration made
Tosin Bowen-Wright Community Governor Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body Two children who attend Raglan Primary School 6/10/2023
Jake Butterworth Community Governor Department for Education HM Government Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body None 3/10/2023
Matt De Freitas Head Teacher Raglan Primary, part of Connect Schools Academy Trust Education Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body None 3/10/2023
James Faiers Chair of Governors Dulwich College Education Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body None 3/10/2023
Tolu Fasanya Community Governor Citi Finance Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body None 3/10/2023
Scott George Community Governor and Connect Trustee

Vice Chair of Governors

Autograph Sound Recording Sound Engineering Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body

Trustee, CSAT

None 3/10/2023
Molly Goulds Staff Governor Raglan Primary, part of Connect Schools Academy Trust Education Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body

Employed by a Connect school

None 3/10/2023
Martin Hunter Staff Governor and Acting Deputy Headteacher Raglan Primary, part of Connect Schools Academy Trust Education Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body

Employed by a Connect school

None 3/10/2023
Johanna Reed Parent Governor NHS, GSTT and Kings College NHS Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body

RCPCH Child Protecting Standing Committee Member

None 3/10/2023
Kirby Elliott-Wilson Parent Governor Babington House School Education Trustee of Raglan Voluntary Fund as part of my role on the Raglan Governing Body 1 child who attends Raglan Primary School 25/01/2024

Senior Staff

Name Position Name of Business or Organisation Nature of Business Nature of Interest Immediate / close family declarations Date declaration made
Danielle Mead Deputy Headteacher Raglan Primary, part of Connect Schools Academy Trust Education None Daughter attends Raglan Nursery 20/04/2023
Emily Ingrey Acting Deputy Headteacher Raglan Primary, part of Connect Schools Academy Trust Education None None 3/10/2023
Sally Palmer-Ralph Office Administrator Raglan Primary, part of Connect Schools Academy Trust Education None None 5/10/2023

Emma Prescott


Premises Manager

Raglan Primary, part of Connect Schools Academy Trust Education None None 5/10/2023

Please click here for Raglan’s Supplementary Funding Agreement

How to Contact Us?

Queries about the management of Raglan and the progress of any individual child should initially be directed to the Headteacher. If you would like more information about the Governing Body or are interested in becoming a governor or would like to get in touch please email or please write to the Chair of Governors care of the school office.